About Me

Hi, I'm Risa Filbey, and welcome to my blog, Risa's Reflections, a place where I discuss truths the Lord is teaching me through life in His Word! If you are a believer in Christ who struggles with sin, wrestles with theological questions, or finds yourself in the trenches of parenting and/or homeschooling, well then, you are in the right place!  Even if this might not describe you, I am so glad that you are here, and I trust you will find encouragement for your faith journey!

Now, let me just caution you: you won't find breath-taking photography, pinnable projects, or insight here from a Christian who has it all figured out. However, my prayer is that you will be richly blessed by godly encouragement, practical helps, and Biblical insight from a fellow "in progress" sojourner in the faith. 

If you are struggling with a particular issue, or would like to learn more about a certain topic, be sure to utilize the LABELS box on the right-side of the webpage (or scroll down, if on a mobile device).  There you can quickly and easily access particular posts and resources that might be of help to you!

So go ahead and grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and enjoy browsing this blog.  Stop by often, dear friend!  It is a blessing to serve you on your journey with Christ!
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