Awe and Wonder

Fall is such a glorious time of year!  I love to watch the leaves turn colors and tumble to the ground, the frisky gray squirrels forage for nuts, and this year, I am even noticing how the butterflies and bumble bees seem to be fluttering and buzzing about as though it were spring!

As part of our homeschooling time, my kids and I have been enjoying adding various entries into our nature journals as we walk around the neighborhood.

Even if one of them is throwing a fit, it seems that by the end of our time outside, we are all having fun exploring in the woods and finding a new friend or two. (Meet Skippy, the spur-throated grasshopper--I love those chevron leggings she is sporting!)

In fact, I am even enjoying keeping my own nature journal!  I didn't even really think I could draw, but I have enjoyed diving in and trying my hand at sketching all kinds of things!


In this way, we ALL are learning volumes about how the natural world changes with the seasons, and we are enjoying identifying trees, mushrooms, birds, and plants in the process.  As you can imagine, the fact that sooooo much glorious learning is happening makes me happy as a homeschooling mama!  But I must say, an even greater byproduct of nature journaling (that I didn't anticipate) is how much it would fuel our souls by inspiring awe and wonder in our mighty creator God.

While we are admiring the intricacies of a flower, it has been such natural extension to talk about how creative and intelligent our God is to have created such a wonder.  And when I see the birds alighting on our bird feeder on the deck, it just flows to talk to the kids about Jesus' words in his Sermon on the Mount about how we are not to worry about our daily needs, because God takes care of the birds, and are we not more valuable to Him than they?

Last Sunday I read a fascinating article in Parade Magazine entitled "Feeling Awe May be the Secret to Health and Happiness."  It mentioned that in the past, researchers considered the feeling of awe to be a "luxury" emotion--great if you have it, but not a necessity; however, now they consider it to be a basic human need.  According to recent research, it has been shown that awe binds us together, makes us nicer and happier people, helps us see things in a new ways, alters our bodies, and contributes to healing.  In short, it seems that awe is a major factor in our emotional and physical well-being. (Interestingly enough, the article mentions that seventy-five percent of awe is inspired by the natural world!)

This same theme has carried over into my bible study, too!  Yesterday, I met with several other women to discuss Paul David Tripp's latest parenting book and watch a video segment of his parenting conference.  During the conference session, one of Tripp's main teaching points was that one of our most important jobs as Christian parents is to foster and inspire awe in our child as they relate to God.  Whether it is boiling water, frying an egg, or looking out at our garden, we are to worship God in all things and be in awe of His creation and His perfect purposes.  You see, he reasons, when our children are already in awe of our God, then how much more receptive will they be when we open God's word to share its wisdom with them? 

Goodness! I never dreamed that a nature walk on a beautiful fall afternoon could open up my children's hearts and souls (and mine!) to the word of God!

Nature journaling has done so many wonderful things for us as a family.  It has encouraged us to get outdoors and enjoy spending time together.  It has helped to foster this sense of wonder and awe at our creator God. It has helped us to really slow down and notice (that in itself, is a rare skill these days in our busy culture!)  It has also been so calming to meditate upon the truth that the God who cares for the birds and creates such perfect symmetry in a flower is completely in control over our chaotic family life.  

So you see, what started out as an educational opportunity has morphed into spiritual food for our souls!

Awe and wonder.

What an awesome God we serve!


  1. Such a lovely post, Risa. Smashing journal pages!

    1. Thank you, Lynn! Blessings to you and yours this fall season!

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